Since the age of four I have wanted to follow in my grandfather's footsteps and work in the medical field. But after experiencing years of chronic health issues, with no help besides drugs that didn't work with bad side-effects, I felt let down. I was 3 years into my pre-med undergrad when I discovered natural medicine, and for the first time took a step on the path to true health. Holistic medicine became my obvious passion, eventually leading me to become a Doctor of Chiropractic in 2007, followed by post-doctorate training and certification as a Functional Medicine Practitioner through the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM).
This path has enabled me to personally overcome extreme adrenal fatigue, IBS, eczema, depression, hormone imbalance, metabolic issues, weight issues, digestive problems, and brain fog. I've experienced what real health looks and feels like and I am passionate about helping others heal as well. Through the years I have been able to use my knowledge and experience to help hundreds of patients, my children, family members and friends overcome chronic and autoimmune diseases and heal their bodies holistically.
I have a tremendous passion for learning and helping others. I love that every day I have the chance to add to my own, and a more collective body of knowledge in the form of new information, new personal relationships and new spiritual and emotional realizations. This love of learning is a passion that guides my path of life.
In the last many years I have found a special interest in hormone balance, including perimenopause and thyroid health. As a married mom of 3 homeschooled kids and in my 40's, I find there is an extreme need for physicians who truly understand the complexities, connections, and nuances involved in hormone regulation for both women and men. We need more practitioners who recognize how greatly our hormones impact our overall health and our quality of life.
My goal is for my patients to breeze through their 40's, loving life, and prepared for menopause. I want them to have the opportunity to live life to the fullest, and without health, everything else falls short.
In Health,
License #30926
April 2008
Doctor of Chiropractic, 2007
Physiotherapy, 2006
Life Chiropractic College West
Honors Cum Laude,
California State University, Chico
Honors Cum Laude
, 1998-2003
Institute for Functional Medicine | IFMCP Certification
Pathway- Advanced post doctoral training in the areas of energy, hormones,
detoxification, gastrointestinal disorders, immune, and
cardiometabolic disorders, 2016 to current
Healthy Kids Happy Kids Dr. Elisa Song | Everyday Holistic Pediatrics Acute Care Courses, 2018
The Kresser Institute | ADAPT Academy In- Practice Topics on autoimmune disease, depression, diabetes, digestive disorders, heart disease, high blood pressure, HPA axis, practice management, skin disorders, thyroid disorders and weight loss, 2017
Institute for Functional Medicine | Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice: Certificate of Completion, March 2017
International Chiropractic Pediatric Association | Certification training by the Academy Council of Chiropractic Pediatrics (CACCP), 2010-2012
International Chiropractic Pediatric Association |
Webster Technique Certification
We would love nothing more than to help you discover your path to optimal health as our patient. So if we are able, let's get together and dig deep into your health. And if we are too far apart, let's let the interwebs connect us. Here's what we are up to ...